Monday, September 12, 2011

Policy Basics: Introduction to Public Housing — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Policy Basics: Introduction to Public Housing — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

If you live in Public Housing, they say this is the program to be effected first.

In Montana, if I am not mistaken HUD's RAD program (Resident Demonstration) is how they are presenting the information to push through a program that some Resident Engagement Group members are not in favor of and thought there would be more discussion before implementing RAD.

Policy Basics: The Housing Choice Voucher Program — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Policy Basics: The Housing Choice Voucher Program — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

If you would like to learn more about the type of work Susan has been doing for the past four years, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has been sponsoring the discussions of the Resident Engagement Group around HUD policies and other issues effecting low-income, disabled, elderly tenants who live in subsidized housing in Montana.

Montana Medicaid Provider Information

You should check this out, if anything to make sure where your tax dollars are going, because if you are poor you wont have an easy time finding a provider who doesn't seem to respect the fact that you are a human and not a toxic dumping ground for pharmaceutics.

Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM)
Beginning October 1, 2011, Montana Health Care Programs will be required to participate in the federal PERM program.
This national program will measure improper payment in Medicaid and HMK because these two programs were identified as being at risk for significant erroneous payments. Providers will be asked to send copies of selected claims and medical records to a CMS contractor for review.
See the provider notice dated September 7, 2011, for more information.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I can not believe that the People of the United States believe that it is proper to make the families of the Men and Women oversea in Afghanistan suffer by not allowing them to pay their bills. What about their Triple A credit ratings? What about the little babies that need to have their mothers at home because they are all under the age of 10, no family in the area, and no way to get home to their family in another state. How dare our government do this, it is as bad as taking money away from Senior Citizens, Disabled and is more likened to robbing candy from babies.

You have to groups of people at the Mercy of the Government. One of them must make a sacrifice. Lets see one group, the main bread winner in some cases is going out everyday, getting shot at, dodging land minds, fighting a War that is putting money in the very pockets that scream, "YOU CAN NOT TAKE OUR TAX BREAKS!"

Poor rich corporations, even though you will not hire our Seniors, Disabled, and others how can we take money from them? If we take it from the Seniors and Disabled, we are going to have to dig allot of graves for folks who can't pay for LIVE SUPPORT, MEDICATIONS, RENT, FOOD. If we take it from the MILITARY, then every one should be happy cuz they are always screaming about how the Government pumps to much money into it any way.

Who cares if the folks they left back home will loose their homes, cars, and their triple A credit rating after all they are only laying their worthless lives on the line. The United States Government makes me want to puke!!! This is not the country my relative, John Joesph Pershing whom the Pershing Missile's are named after, left Austria to join the Military for. This is not the United States that I pledged my allegiance to every morning before starting school in a one room school house. This is not the United States that claims to want the worlds, "TIRED, WRETCHED, AND POOR." as evidenced by the STATUE OF LIBERTY. This is not right, not right at all.

I beg every poor, disabled, working, senior, unemployed, parent, family member of a Military person, to call Congress, Senators, the President himself and scream out loud and clear that "We are not going to let you take money from us, and then kick us in the head when you have to appease some joker who isn't contributing to the American way of life."

I for one will be telling everyone I see to register to vote, get these idiots out of office. Its time for those who get breaks, have more than enough money in the bank for themselves, their children, children's children's, children to live comfortable on to either pony up of "GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE!"


Thursday, July 21, 2011

General Deputy Assistant

The General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs has the authority and responsibility for conveying the Department's mission through internal and external outreach to include local, regional, and national level media.

Proposed Section 8 Savings Act (SESA) May Make it Harder to House Homeless – Shelter Partnership

Proposed Section 8 Savings Act (SESA) May Make it Harder to House Homeless – Shelter Partnership

Nothing like being kicked when you are chopping up the benifits the elderly and disabled recieve is not the solution. Click above to see how AFFORDABLE HOUSING may play out. Didn't affordable mean within financial obtainment at one point in the history of the world?