Showing posts with label TENANTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TENANTS. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


HUD No. 18-015
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
February 20, 2018
WASHINGTON - In an effort to help low-income residents become self-sufficient, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded $34.9 million to public housing authorities, public housing resident associations, Native American tribes, and non-profit organizations across the nation to hire or retain service coordinators to help them find jobs, educational opportunities, and achieve economic and housing independence (see list below).
The funding, provided through HUD’s Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency – Service Coordinators Program (ROSS-SC) helps grantees hire or retain "service coordinators" who work directly with residents to assess their needs and connect them with education, job training and placement programs, and/or computer and financial literacy services available in their community to promote self-sufficiency.
“It’s part of our mission to help connect public housing residents to better, higher paying jobs and critical services as a means of helping them move beyond public assistance and toward self-sufficiency,” said HUD Secretary Ben Carson. “This funding gives our local partners resources they can use to help residents become economically independent and achieve the dreams they have for themselves and their children.”
The purpose of HUD’s ROSS-SC program is to encourage innovative and locally driven strategies that link public housing assistance with public and private resources to enable HUD-assisted families to increase earned income; reduce or eliminate their need for welfare assistance; and promote economic independence and housing self-sufficiency. These grants provide funding to hire and retain Service Coordinators who will assess the needs of residents of conventional Public Housing or Indian housing and coordinate available resources in the community to meet those needs. In addition, ROSS-SC grants help improve living conditions for seniors, enabling them to age-in-place.
Fiscal Year 2017 ROSS-Service Coordinator Grants
ArizonaPinal County Housing Department$204,000
Arizona Total:$204,000
CaliforniaThe Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles$738,000
Housing Authority of the City of Sacramento$436,230
Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara$246,000
Housing Authority of the County of Fresno$230,660
Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura$246,000
Chico Rancheria Housing Corporation & HA County of Butte$245,000
Madera, City of$233,382
Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura (AHA)$228,500
California Total:$2,603,772
ColoradoWalsh Manor Local Resident Council$215,918
Westridge Local Resident Council$240,556
Westwood Local Resident Council$215,918
City of Englewood Housing Authority$207,429
Colorado Total:$879,821
ConnecticutAnsonia Housing Authority$246,000
Housing Authority of the Town of Greenwich$246,000
Bristol Housing Authority$246,000
Connecticut Total:$738,000
FloridaSarasota Housing Authority$233,460
Housing Authority of the City of Titusville$208,832
The Housing Authority of the County of Flagler$246,000
The Lee County Housing Authority$246,000
Palatka Housing Authority$246,000
Punta Gorda Housing Authority$240,000
Florida Total:$1,420,292
GeorgiaThomaston Housing Authority Resident Council Inc.$246,000
Northwest Georgia Housing Authority$230,000
Housing Authority of Newnan$246,000
Georgia Total:$722,000
IowaCity of Des Moines Municipal Housing Agency$246,000
Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority$246,000
Iowa Total$492,000
IdahoNampa Housing Authority$241,219
Nez Perce Tribal Housing Authority$246,000
Idaho Total:$487,219
IllinoisDecatur Housing Authority$240,725
Rock Island Housing Authority$216,000
Macoupin County Housing Authority$151,772
The Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington$244,500
Rockford Housing Authority$492,000
Oak Park Housing Authority$246,000
Illinois Total$1,590,997
IndianaHousing Authority of the City of Kokomo$190,395
New Albany Housing Authority$246,000
Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington$184,391
Indiana Total:$620,786
KansasKickapoo Tribe in Kansas Housing Authority$142,190
Kansas Total:$142,190
KentuckyBryant Way Resident Council$178,827
Gordon Avenue/Summit View Resident Council$173,021
Louisville Metro Housing Authority$721,800
Housing Authority of Covington$231,000
Housing Authority of Floyd County$179,109
Kentucky Total:$1,483,757
MassachusettsFall River Housing Joint Tenant Council$186,000
New Bedford Housing Authority$423,762
Norwood Housing Authority$246,000
Quincy Housing Authority$246,000
Falmouth Housing Authority$246,000
Massachusetts Total:$1,347,762
MarylandResident Services, Incorporated$738,000
Maryland Total:$738,000
MainePortland Housing Authority$240,756
Lewiston Housing Authority$213,539
Maine Total:$454,295
MinnesotaNorthwest Minnesota Multi-County HRA$246,000
Moorhead Public Housing Agency$246,000
Minnesota Total:$492,000
MissouriIndependence Housing Authority$246,000
Missouri Total:$246,000
MississippiLaurel Housing Authority Beacon Homes Resident Council LLC$246,000
Arco Lane Site Based Resident Council, LLC$246,000
Mississippi Total:$492,000
MontanaPublic Housing Authority of Butte's Resident Council$129,652
Missoula Housing Authority$246,000
Montana Total:$375,652
North CarolinaGreensboro Housing Authority$230,415
Housing Authority of the City of High Point$492,000
Lenoir Housing Authority$246,000
North Carolina Total:$968,415
North DakotaFargo Housing and Redevelopment Authority$246,000
North Dakota Total:$246,000
New JerseyHousing Authority of the City of Jersey City$492,000
Housing Authority of the City of Paterson$442,349
Phillipsburg Housing Authority$246,000
Housing Authority of the City of Rahway$246,000
New Jersey Institute for Disabilities$246,000
New Jersey Total:$1,672,349
New MexicoHousing Authority of the City of Truth or Consequences$246,000
Santa Fe County Housing Authority$246,000
Albuquerque Housing Authority$220,598
New Mexico Total:$712,598
New YorkCitywide Council of Syracuse Low Income Housing Residents$492,000
Ocean Bay Community Development Corporation, Inc.$738,000
Albany Housing Authority$492,000
Rochester Housing Authority$492,000
Niagara Falls Housing Authority$243,350
Community Development Corporation of Long Island, Inc.$246,000
New York Total:$2,703,350
OhioJurisdiction-Wide Resident Advisory Board$738,000
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority$679,331
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority$702,816
Zanesville Metropolitan Housing Authority$246,000
Ohio Total:$2,366,147
OregonHousing Authority of Clackamas County$246,000
Home Forward$492,000
Housing Authority of Lincoln County$246,000
Oregon Total:$984,000
PennsylvaniaAllegheny County Housing Authority$682,732
Harrisburg Housing Authority$384,000
Westmoreland County Housing Authority$336,997
Family Service Association of Bucks County$245,449
Pennsylvania Total$1,649,178
Rhode IslandChestnut Court Tenants Association$246,000
The Housing Authority of the City of Providence$738,000
Johnston Housing Authority$220,500
Housing Authority of the City of Pawtucket$82,000
Rhode Island Total:$1,286,500
South CarolinaHousing Authority of the City of Columbia, SC$384,255
Housing Authority of Greenville$246,000
South Carolina Total:$630,255
South DakotaSisseton Wahpeton Housing Authority$177,000
South Dakota Total:$177,000
TennesseeJohnson City Public Housing Authority$246,000
Morristown Housing Authority$180,300
Columbia Housing & Redevelopment Authority$246,000
The Crossville Housing Development Corporation$160,722
Tennessee Total:$833,022
TexasHousing Authority of the City of Fort Worth$242,000
San Marcos Housing Authority$225,405
Houston Housing Authority$628,605
Texas Total:$1,096,010
VirginiaCan I Live, Inc$738,000
Can I Live, Incorporated$202,033
Cardinal Village Tenant Association, Inc.$231,000
Pleasant View Tenant Association, Inc.$231,000
Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority$231,000
Chesapeake Redevelopment & Housing Authority$246,000
Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority$176,400
Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority$246,000
Virginia Total:$2,301,433
WashingtonThe Housing Authority of the City of Bremerton$246,000
Housing Authority of the City of Tacoma$246,000
Nisqually Indian Tribe$228,600
Housing Authority of Kittitas County$208,286
Washington Total:$928,886
WisconsinS.E.T. Ministry Inc$239,733
Wisconsin Total:$239,733
West VirginiaCharleston-Kanawha$457,209
The Huntington Housing Authority$190,404
West Virginia Total:$647,613

Monday, March 21, 2011


March 16, 2011 Dear Senator Tester, Thank you for voting against the House Tea Party Bill for Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriations and for the Senate Appropriations Committee bill last week. We’re expecting Senator Schumer to introduce a scaled down version of the comprehensive Preservation bill in the Senate, based on H.R. 4868, which the House Financial Services Committee reported out last July but never came up for a vote in the house and has yet to be introduced to the Senate. We support H.R. 4868 overall. Specifically, we would like the language beefed up in Section 304 of H. R. 4868 - Access to Information - more like what was in the earlier version of 4868. We would like for you Senator to support the No Cost Tenant Empowerment provisions in H.R. 4868, as well as supporting moving the bill overall to help save and preserve the National Housing Stock. The talking points I would to leave with you today are from last year, 2010, which gives a short summary of what we are supporting in the preservation bill. Another National tenant group that I belong to called the Resident’s Engagement Group which was put together in the late fall of 2009 at the request of HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan recently had a telephone conference call with Carrie Johnson, staff person for Representative Ellison from Minnesota, around this same issue of Access to Information. REG is requesting Representative Ellison strengthen the language in RHRA or as the bill was previously known by PETRA, before re-introducing this bill in the house. The RHRA language was based on the paragraph in H.R. 4868, but was watered down in the version Congressman Ellison filed last December. Since RHRA or PETRA isn’t being looked at by the Senate at this time to our knowledge. We would like to ask Senator Tester to join with Senator Schumer’s office in filing a scaled down version of the comprehensive Preservation Bill. Thank you for your time in this matter, Susan Floerchinger, Tenant Advocate Mouse In The Weeds 8276 Huffine Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 (406) 600-1653

Thursday, February 24, 2011


House resolution: HR 1, the FR2011 Budget proposal cut the $75 million that has been in the budget for the past two years for Department of Housing and Urban Development–Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program, the report says that on a single night in January 2009, 75,609 veterans were homeless; and an estimated 136,334 veterans spent at least one night in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 20009. The $75 million that has been in the budget was enough to support 10,000 vouchers. that is only 1 out of every 13 homeless vets families, and the Republicans in the House cut even that.

I don't know about anyone else, but in my opinion this is a slap in the face of the men and women who laid down their lives to protect our homes, we are going to toss them out like last weeks bath water.  Shame on you US Government.  Maybe we should just lower their salaries to minimum wage and see what kind of response we get on these budget cuts when they have to face the harsh reality that the US is falling behind in providing for her own people.  Funny, we have plenty of money to give away to foreign countries, but we can't or wont house our needy.

Doesn't it say somewhere on the Statue of Liberty "Give me your poor. . . . ."?  Why, so we can add to our homeless population?  Our government seems to be doing fine on its own.  You know it is 3% of the population that has the rest of  us in this position.  When will the  95% of the population that wants to pretend this wont effect them wake up and call Congressman Rehberg and demand full funding for HUD.  Here is the phone number, 1-202-225-3211 for his DC office, or call here at home on his 1-888-232-2626.  That phone really doesn't weigh 500 lbs.  You can even call after hours and leave a message.  No one but you and the Congressman will know you called.  So what is stopping you?  No phone?  No desire to stay warm until spring?  Or just don't believe that they are really going to take $23.7 million dollars from Montana housing?

I never thought I would see the day that the US would take on classes, pushing the poor, elderly, disabled, and veterans into surf status.  Something is wrong with this picture.  Call today, the home you save maybe Grandma's.
Than you for your efforts.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Montana Board of Housing offers financing to produce rental housing that is affordable for low-income Montanans.
The Multifamily Program monitors these properties to ensure that they comply with federal and state requirements and that they fulfill the obligations they committed to for the financial assistance they receive.
The Reverse Annuity Mortgage Program is one of the few RAMs that has been implemented by a State Housing Finance Agency and Montana is proud of the support we have been able to extend to many low-income seniors who wish to stay in their home as long as possible.
The Risk Sharing Program is a collaboration between the Montana Board of Housing and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which provides FHA insured permanent financing for units of multifamily rental property in Montana.
The General Obligation (G.O.) Program is a source of permanent mortgage financing for affordable rental housing which meets certain low income occupancy and rent limitation requirements. The Board provides mortgage underwriting and loan management as well as financing.

Thursday, February 17, 2011