resolution: HR 1, the FR2011 Budget proposal cut the $75 million
that has been in the budget for the past two years for
Department of Housing and Urban
Development–Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH)
program, the report says that on a single night in
January 2009, 75,609 veterans were homeless; and an
estimated 136,334 veterans spent at least one night in an emergency
shelter or transitional housing program between October 1, 2008 and
September 30, 20009. The $75 million that has been in the budget was enough to support
10,000 vouchers. that is only 1 out of every 13 homeless vets
families, and the Republicans in the House cut even that.
I don't know about anyone else, but in my opinion this is a slap
in the face of the men and women who laid down their lives to protect
our homes, we are going to toss them out like last weeks bath water.
Shame on you US Government. Maybe we should just lower their salaries
to minimum wage and see what kind of response we get on these budget
cuts when they have to face the harsh reality that the US is falling
behind in providing for her own people. Funny, we have plenty of money
to give away to foreign countries, but we can't or wont house our needy.
Doesn't it say somewhere on the Statue of Liberty "Give me your
poor. . . . ."? Why, so we can add to our homeless population? Our
government seems to be doing fine on its own. You know it is 3% of the
population that has the rest of us in this position. When will the
95% of the population that wants to pretend this wont effect them wake
up and call Congressman Rehberg and demand full funding for HUD. Here
is the phone number, 1-202-225-3211 for his DC office, or call here at
home on his 1-888-232-2626. That phone really doesn't weigh 500 lbs.
You can even call after hours and leave a message. No one but you and
the Congressman will know you called. So what is stopping you? No
phone? No desire to stay warm until spring? Or just don't believe that
they are really going to take $23.7 million dollars from Montana
I never thought I would see the day that the US would take on
classes, pushing the poor, elderly, disabled, and veterans into surf
status. Something is wrong with this picture. Call today, the home you
save maybe Grandma's.
Than you for your efforts.
From somewhere in Montana, I share my personal experience with HUD's Home Choice Voucher Program and other Low-Income Rental obstacles.
Showing posts with label self-help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-help. Show all posts
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Welcome to the Montana campus of the University of Hard knocks. Don’t worry, you have already paid your tuition with every bad decision, indecisive moment, and who knows how my thousands of dollars lost due to wrongful withholding of security deposits and other financial issues that were taken out of your control because . . . Well, lets face it, you are financially challenged. That’s not completely a bad thing, just something that is terribly misunderstood, and one that can be almost impossible it seems to achieve.
As your instructor, I will show you where you can obtain a college education in almost any field you find fascinating or one that you may want to join the working force in, mind you I said “SHOW YOU WHERE TO OBTAIN” , and if you will look around you will notice that you are in the worlds largest public library and every opportunity in the world is with in your reach with the mere investment of your most precious and sought after commodities.
These are your time, your attention, your understanding and your ability to invest all of this and more in yourself. Money is at your discretion, I am not giving anyone financial advice here. I promised to show you where, to be more specific any one can educate themselves on any topic, if they invest the time to open a book commit to reading it from cover to cover, including all the forward, introductions and footnotes, applying those suggestions into the life you want to create realizing that it will take time and move slowly especially in the beginning. Yet if you give yourself 30 minuets each and every morning upon rising and the same at night to invest in yourself, believe in yourself, trust in yourself and make a decision on something anything and just start you will find in time that others respect your knowledgeable accounts of the subject matter you have chosen to master. Well, not really its going to take more than one hour a day. It will take exactly as many hours a day you use to waist with indecision, to afraid to take a risk and spent running away from your reality.
If you can do this continuously for ten days then you have started the journey. You will find that a million and one things will come along to distract you from spending time on yourself that may very well be of great importance, remember, unless someone is dying, or your employer is going to can you, the only other reason not to invest this time in yourself each and every day for the rest of your life is that you are dead. And if that is the case, please stop reading, lay down, you have earned your Masters Degree from the University of Hard Knocks.
The rest of you . . . . MAKE A DECISION AND TRUST YOURSELF!!
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